We simply could not operate without the energy and enthusiasm of our fabulous network of volunteers.
They don't just help run our groups, café sessions and courses.
They provide friendship and encouragement to our clients and many assist the vital work of fundraising and publicity.
What they do positively impacts the lives and recovery of the people who have had a stroke, as well as help their carers and families.
Many have themselves been affected by a stroke – either directly or as a carer or family member… adding experience and empathy to the role.
But as our volunteers will tell you, it can also be a hugely rewarding experience for them too. Volunteering can sometimes provide valuable experience to help someone get back into the job market, or with a specific career goal.
It can also prove to be a lot of fun – and a great way to make new friends!
Volunteering with Bristol After Stroke means putting aside the time you have available (from a few hours a month upwards) for the roles that you feel confident in taking on. We’ll provide the training you need before you start, and we’ll be there every step of the way with support and advice.
At present, we have specific vacancies for our groups at Portway and Lyde Green, as well as at our Bedminster and Bristol Cafés. But if you feel you might like to be available for one of our many other roles, we’d love to chat.
You can find out more here: https://www.bristolafterstroke.org.uk/pages/32-volunteer-at-bristol-after-stroke
In the first instance, email our Volunteer Coordinator Lucy Stockall on [email protected] / or telephone 0117 9647657.